Full Steam ahead for Rockstar Games

steamlogoRockstar Games is the latest publisher to join the ever-growing ranks of Steam. Now, folks can enjoy (if you haven’t already) some fine games including all the Grand Theft Auto games, Manhunt, Max Payne and its sequel Max Payne 2, Midnight Club 2 and Wild Metal.

A discount is going on now where you can purchase Rockstar’s entire catalog for just $53.95 USD (normally $59.95 USD) but the discount ends on January 11th. As for individual prices, they’re as followed: Grand Theft Auto 3 ($9.95 USD), Grand Theft Auto: Vice City ($9.95 USD), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ($19.95 USD), Manhunt ($9.95 USD), Max Payne ($9.95 USD), Max Payne 2 ($9.95 USD) and Midnight Club 2 ($9.95 USD).

Hands-down, picking up Max Payne and Max Payne 2 for just $13.45 (thanks to that discount) is a heck of a deal. Enjoy those two games since we probably won’t see another sequel for a while.

Note that the original Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto 2 and Wild Metal have been available for free on Rockstar’s site for quite a few months, so everyone gets a freebie!

Past publishers who’ve signed with Steam include Activision, 2K Games, Eidos Interactive, Capcom, THQ, Codemasters and Sega.


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