Gamer finishes GTA IV in 17 minutes. Cheat or bug?

gta watchRockstar Games has a Grand Theft Auto IV Hall of Fame listing for all those dedicated gamers who have completed 100% of GTA IV-not a small feat by any means as the entire game is reported to have over 100 hours of SP game time.

Enter a gamer by the screen name of ninjaraiden2003 who had his finish time officially logged onto Rockstar’s website. Did he do it under a respectable time of less than 80 hours? 50 Hours? How about 20 hours? No, keep on going down. According to the posted time, he finished the game in 17 minutes and 15 seconds.

Now three things come to mind when I read this. One, we’ve got a cheater here. Two, he somehow got his hot little hands on a copy of GTA IV and played the game almost to the end, and finished the last part of the game when the Rockstar Social Club went up, or three, there’s a glitch on the website itself.

For comparison’s sake, it took me 17 minutes just to get familiar with Niko’s apartment, his neighborhood and drive to his cousin’s taxi stand.

Something’s not right here…

[via videogaming247]


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