Gamers fired up. Assassin's Creed freezes

AC freezesRecent posts over on the Ubisoft forums have gamers all fired up over reported freezing issues with the PS3 version of Assassin’s Creed.

Some gamers are indicating that the bug is occurring with the new 2.00 firmware release while others have reported that their AC game froze up with firmware version 1.94.

One forum member, harvard114, expressed his anger over the problem by saying:

"This is just uncalled for-

When games are selling at 60 dollars (or more) – I want a finished product. Now, I understand that AC just shipped, but all I’m asking for is a response from Ubi that the problems us PS3 users are having, will be fixed.

Judging from this topic, they’re totally ambivalent to what’s going on – or just ignoring the problem. All I want is a guarantee that what’s going on will be fixed, and I’ll be happy."

Neurotoxin was even more blunt, "Upon looking at the 360 version i`m actually ashamed and embarrassed (sic) for your team, the hardware isn`t lacking on the PS3, You could, and should have addressed ALL of the problems, that you knew existed BEFORE you released this game…

"You could have made this game a classic, The potential is right there when you play it, Its completely dwarfed though by the complete lack of customer satisfaction in relation to the Awful Screen Tearing and Iffy framerates, bugs, freezes… glitches…. its a waste…. and i`ve wasted my money on your game."

Ubisoft responded in the forums by saying, "***update*** we are officially looking into this and hope to have it resolved shortly."

The issues of releasing unfinished or buggy software on PCs have always been common because some game companies feel that a patch can always be released later…to the consternation of gamers.

Console gamers, until now, have been relatively safe and secure with the knowledge that released games were as perfect as they could be. However, with game machines now having hard disk drives and online capability, it would seem that the "curse of the patch" is now upon the game console world as well.

Welcome to the 21st century, console gaming fans…


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