GN Weekly Recap 4/22 – 4/28 : Wii drought to end; it must be 2009 already

Last week, Best Buy stores had the hard-to-come-by Wii in stock. Later in the week, we leaned that Nintendo was ramping up production of the console to help avoid any further low supply issues. But that didn’t stop one analyst, by the name of Billy Pidgeon, from proclaiming that the shortage supplies will continue through 2009. He also made such astute points like, "I’d like to see Wii hardware shipping in larger quantities or mass market consumers may cool on it," and, "I believe the Wii will continue strong growth although supply continues to be a problem." That just goes to show you how much stock you should put into what any analyst has to say.

A video of Halo 3 was recently leaked, showcasing what appears to be a remade Zanzibar level — complete with tacked-on Kill Bill music (which I seem to be the only person on Earth who enjoys). The level seems much larger, but still essentially the same as the Zanzibar features in Halo 2. There are various tidbits to be seen throughout the video, such as how the bubble shield works and its new look.

Ken Kutaragi, the man known as the "Father of the PlayStation" announced his retirement. His shoes will be filled by Kazuo Hirai, current COO and President of SCEI. A tribute to Ken and a look at Kaz’s new, Japanese exec style look can be seen here.

Nintendo has sold an absurd 40 million DS units worldwide, while the Wii sits at 5.84 million. The duo is current dominating sales charts with no signs of stopping. With Pokemon Diamond/Pearl selling over a million copies in just five days in the US, world domination is within Nintendo’s grasp.

As a funny aside, be sure to check out the gameplay footage of this small award-winning Sumo wrestling game — you won’t regret it.

Virtual Console Releases
Xbox Live Marketplace Update

What’s going on in the community?
Half-Life Node is almost ready for launch, and while we don’t want to put an exact date on it, we will promise it’ll be here before Duke Nukem Forever is, and before Spider-Man 3 is leak–scratch that.

Be sure to keep an eye on the Announcements forum for the official word on this upcoming week’s GN Gamers’ Day.

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