Guitar Hero III demo out tomorrow

gh3chickIf you’ve been itching to get your guitar-groove on but don’t want to wait till October 28th, Activision is here to bail you out with an Xbox 360 demo that will be released tomorrow.

It will feature 3 master recordings and 2 covers: master recordings of Pearl Jam’s "Even Flow," Priestess’ "Lay Down" and Tenacious D’s "The Metal" and covers of Pat Benatar’s "Hit Me with your Best Shot," and the Scorpions’ "Rock You like a Hurricane."

To celebrate the release, Activision will hold a 72-hour play & win contest, which will begin on November 2nd. The contest page isn’t open yet, but you can register for it starting tomorrow by clicking here.

The festivities will be kicked off with some guitar dueling against the game’s developers, Neversoft, themselves. They’ll flood Xbox Live from 5PM to 8PM CST on November 2nd, so if you want to get wrecked, copy down the tags below:

GH DesLead (Alan, design lead)
GH AsstProd (Lee, assistant producer)
GH SrProdTech (Clive, senior producer, technology)
GH OnlineEng (Mario, online engineer)
GH OnlineEng2 (Tim, online engineer)
GH MidiDes2 (Chris, midi designer)
GH MidiDes3 (David, midi designer)
GH MidiDes4 (Geoffrey, midi designer)
GH MidiDes5 (John, midi designer)
GH MidiDes6 (Brian, midi designer)
GH MidiDes7 (Kyle, midi designer)

Activision announced a European release date for Guitar Hero III: November 23rd. Sorry folks, tough break.

[Via Shacknews]


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