Ingenuity abounds for Guitar Hero DS

Guitar Hero On TourYou probably thought exactly what I did upon hearing the announcement of Guitar Hero On Tour for the Nintendo DS, "That’ll probably suck," or perhaps, "how the hell are they going to pull that off?"

Well if your thought processes are indeed likened to my own, then you’re going to like this news bit. Activision has announced the means by which players will control the first handheld installment in the series. The game will ship with an exclusive peripheral that plugs into the GBA port.

Players will hold their DS Brain Age style and position their fingers along the four keys while strumming to the rhythm using the touch screen and a special On Tour pick stylus. I’m also told that there is a strap on the back that will aid the player’s grip.

I don’t know about anybody else, but this comes as a complete surprise to me, as it wouldn’t have been at all uncharacteristic of Activision to simply throw together a slap dash reimagining that took them 3 months to make. This really looks though like they are trying to keep the series integrity intact. I’m impressed considering this is the company that built their entire video game empire on movie-game licenses.


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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