Kama Sutra-It''s Not What You''re Thinking

According to reports from around the world, a new virus is set to unleash its destructive powers on Friday, February 3rd. The malicious virus has been named Kama Sutra. News from ctv.ca says that computer security companies have been tracking the worm since January 16. The virus is attached to an email with subject titles such as give me a kiss or crazy illegal sex. When the email is opened by the unsuspecting individual, the virus starts to multiply rapidly and digs deep into the operating system of users who run Windows 2000, or Windows XP. The effects of the worm are corruption or the overwriting of Microsoft Office documents such as Word and Excel. PDF documents are also affected. The Kama Sutra virus is also known as Blackmail, Blackworm, CME-24, Nyxem, and Mywife.E. Merrick Furst, of Georgia Tech College said, "There are a lot of people who are going to be very unhappy on the third of February. This virus will wipe out all their word processing documents, all their pictures, all their worksheets." Furst elaborated that the virus will most likely hit the home computer user because the worm has spread mainly through ISPs. The best defense is a good offense. Security systems professionals agree that keeping a leery eye out for suspicious email and the use of anti-virus programs is a good strategy to prevent viruses and worms from entering computer systems.


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