Kurt Wimmer to direct MGS movie?

mgs4Last we heard about the Metal Gear Solid movie was last year and even that didn’t provide much information. Over on ComingSoon.net, they report on some conversation time with Michael De Luca, producer of over 50 films (according to IMDB), on how the MGS movie may have a director.

Columbia Pictures and De Luca are preparing to meet with director Kurt Wimmer during the next few weeks to talk about the possibility of writing the script and directing the MGS film.

Wimmer is known for directing 2006’s Ultraviolet starring Milla Jovovich and 2002’s Equilibrium starring Christian Bale but haven’t met much financial success at the movie box office. Despite the less than stellar response with the movie audience, the gaming audience praised Wimmer’s invention of fictional gun-fighting martial arts Gun Kata. I remember playing an Equilibrium modification for Max Payne 2, check out this video to see the mod in action.

Do you folks think Wimmer can create a film that’ll satisfy the gigantic MGS crowd? The film will no doubly take a few years to develop, so hopefully the upcoming release of MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots on June 12th will bring some new attraction to the film.

For you folks unaware of gun kata, here are some scenes from Equilibrium, courtesy of YouTube (keep the video on mute if you don’t enjoy the spliced music).




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