LittleBigPlanet to be a triple-A title for Sony

LittleBigPlanetThe indie gaming scene is growing exponentially, and gamers are being invited to the simple yet incredibly creative experiences that these developers are creating. One such title is Media Molecule’s LittleBigPlanet that will be available exclusively for the Playstation 3.

LittleBigPlanet is more than just a platformer, it’s an intuitive, imaginative level creator that gamers will be able to play around with, and will no doubt, bring new and exciting gaming possibilities.

Sony realizes the uniqueness of the game, and its mass appeal, so they are not afraid to say, "LittleBigPlanet is potentially our biggest Blu-ray release of 2008. We definitely see it as a triple-A Blu-ray release and will be a full price product."

Sony’s senior product manager, Nick Robinson, told that "Sony plans an open beta for the game at some point before its release, it will focus on the creation and sharing side of the game as opposed to traditional platform levels. It’s not like you will get to play the full game early," he said. "It will focus on the create and share side of things. The potential for people to break the game is amazing."

Even though many people would think such conventional games such as Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 would expect to perform much better at retail, Robinson believes in what LittleBigPlanet can achieve.

The game will be released sometime in September for between $50 and $60 dollars. However we are unlikely to see a demo version of the game before its release. Robinson said, "How do you do a Little Big Planet demo? If we put up a level people will just finish it."

I, myself, am very excited about this game, which seems to offer hours upon hours of fun content that you can create, execute and marvel with all of your online buddies.


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