Manhunt 2: Wii be too violent?

wiiMoteguyApparently, killing and shooting virtual victims in video games by pressing controller buttons is more acceptable than using hacking and slashing motions with the WiiMote. At least this seems to be the message coming from the CCFC (Center for Commercial-Free Childhood).

The group is taking measures to make sure that the Wii edition of Manhunt 2 will be given an ESRB rating of AO (adults only) because of the graphic way in which gamers will be able to dispatch their enemies to the netherworld with the Wii motion controllers.

The CCFC voiced their concerns by stating:

"In Manhunt 2, players can saw their enemies’ skulls in half; mutilate them with an axe; castrate them with a pair of pliers; and kill them by bashing their heads into an electrical box, where it is blown apart by a power surge. On Wii, players will not merely punch buttons or wield a joy stick, but will actually act out this violence…"

The ESRB has already assigned ratings for Manhunt 2 for the Wii, PS2 and PSP versions. But whether it is an "M" rating or "AO" rating is unclear at the moment because ratings are not publicly revealed until 30 days after the assignment has been determined.

Matt Paprocki, a member of the forum said:

"So all games should now be rated based on how they control, not by their content according to them? Let us all have a moment of silence for the great genre that was the light gun shooter. *bows head* "

[via gamepolitics]


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