McCullough apologizes for Mass Effect criticizm

Mass EffectKevin McCullough, better known to gamers as "that blogger who wrote a load of totally untrue, unresearched, and downright ignorant slop about the sexual content in Mass Effect a few days ago," has waded through all of the hatemail that undoubtedly flooded his inbox yesterday, reconsidered the reality of the situation, and issued an apology to the gaming community.

In a new post, he states:

"Based on the multitude of response by gamers who share my concern for decency in the entertainment of our children, it is obvious that I had been misinformed on at least two points of substance in my original column.

For this I DO apologize to the gaming universe!"

"I still do concur with my original position that the objectionable content in Mass Effect is still offensive, and should be kept out of the hands of those under age.

Mass Effect fans have demonstrated that the three minute cuts on YouTube are only arrived at after hours of play. So in their argument the "percentage" of objectionable content is heavily outweighed by the overwhelming amount of content leading up to it. Point well made…"

And there go your 15 seconds, Mr. McCullough. Goodbye.



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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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