McDonalds blames video games for child obesity

McDs McDonalds, which has been in the media spotlight for years regarding its food causing obesity in children and health issues has turned the tables and is now saying that their food isn’t the only culprit–it’s also due to playing video games.

Steve Easterbrook, boss of McDonalds, takes some of the blame, but says that interactive entertainment (games) has a great deal to do with the problem of overweight kids too.

"The issue of obesity is complex and is absolutely one our society is facing, there’s no denial about that. But if you break it down I think there’s an education piece: how can we better communicate to individuals the importance of a balanced diet and taking care of themselves?"

He then pointed his finger to video games. "Then there’s a lifestyle element: there’s fewer green spaces and kids are [sitting at] home playing computer games on the TV when in the past they’d have been burning off energy outside."

In 2004, a documentary was made following the court trial of Dave Morris and Helen Steel in the UK, who were sued by McDonalds for libel. Their contention was that McDonalds restaurant food was unhealthy and was negatively affecting the health of the public. Although Steel and Morris lost the case, many saw this as a victory for the two as they refused to pay damages and were never asked to do so by McDonalds.

In an appeal ruling, the court said, "…if one eats enough McDonald’s food, one’s diet may well become high in fat etc., with the very real risk of heart disease," and determined that Steel and Morris were well within their rights to voice their opinions.

[via timesonline]


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