MGS4: Cut scenes clarified, install times detailed

MGS4A few days back it spread across the web that Metal Gear Solid 4 had cutscenes which exceeded the ninety-minute mark. While we all love MGS, and would happily sit through these finely crafted game cinematics, some real world complications no doubt would have taken place.

Not knowing when these cutscenes would appear some gamers may have found themselves not being able to enjoy the game when other real-life responsibilities arose. Those fears have since been put to rest by associate producer Ryan Payton. While some are long, none of them come to ninety minutes. His statement has been supported by other reviewers who have played MGS4.

In addition to the reduction of the cutscene length, one new detail revealed is the installation times for the game. Initially an eight minute install is needed to get the game going, and an additional two to three minute installation kicks in after each act. What exactly an "act" stands for in unclear but let’s hope we aren’t installing the game every hour or so.

[via Shacknews]


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