MGS4 has 90 minute cutscenes

snakeHave a comfy chair? Good. How about extra bags of popcorn and pop? Excellent. Because once June 12th hits, and MGS4 is spinning snuggly inside the drive of happy PS3’s across the world, gamers are going to have to endure cut scenes which reach a mind boggling ninety minute mark; feature film length.

Yes, that is a plural. There is more than one cutscene of this duration.

PSW Magazine said of the scenes, "MGS4’s story is massive. The videogame equivalent of all three Godfather movies on one disc. As you’d expect, you’ll spend a lot of time watching cut-scenes, so if you found previous games’ story exposition laborious, then you’d better find yourself a nice cushion and plenty of teabags in readiness for MGS4’s."

"They can be skipped, but you’ll be missing out on some of the finely crafted examples of FMV footage anywhere in gaming," the article boldly proclaims.

Those who remember MGS2 and its forty-five minute length cutscenes may shudder, but unlike MGS2, rumors are that MGS4’s story is much better. Will this make enduring a ninety minute cutscene more bearable? Probably not, but I know MGS fans are going to want absorb every minute of the final battle of Solid Snake. We will deal with it, and so should you.

[Via CVG]


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