A couple of guys went to Wal-Mart on New Year’s Day to pick up a few things when one of them noticed a really big Xbox 360 display filled with 360 controllers–or at least, that’s what it looked like at first glance. But something wasn’t quite right and he stepped up to take a closer look.
What he found was a display case filled with PS3 SixAxis controllers instead. He did a double take and realized that someone at Wal-Mart probably had a little too much champagne during the New Year celebrations and probably didn’t realize that he filled the Xbox 360 shelves with PS3 controllers—either that or Sony has a new marketing strategy.
The gamer took a few quick snapshots of the display before Wal-Mart saw the error of their ways. Take a look and marvel at how the stock managers missed this one.

[via sarcasticgamer]