Most powerful Iraq leader was a hard-core gamer?

iraq gamerGaming reaches people of all classes, cultures, and creeds. You can also add to this list the political and religious categories.

GamePolitics reports that one particular individual, Muqtada al-Sadr, is a hard-core gamer. Al-Sadr earned the nickname of Mullah Atari while he was a student of religion in Iraq.

"As a young seminary student, his nickname was Mullah Atari, because he preferred video games to studying the Quran. Now, Muqtada al-Sadr is a radical cleric revered by millions of poor Shiites as a modern-day Robin Hood. He also may be the most powerful man in Iraq."

USA Today said, "He says defeating the United States in Iraq is his top priority, but his cease-fire and other political maneuvering helped the U.S. military accomplish some of its key objectives, such as reducing violence and passing benchmark legislation."

So who knows, maybe what the US can’t accomplish in diplomatic talks with Iraq might be successfully done by just a few chat conversations over Xbox Live on CoD4 one day.

[via gamepolitics]


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