Motorstorm DLC pack doesn't rip us off

MotorstormIt’s about time somebody figured out how to do downloadable content correctly (i.e. don’t screw us.) A new downloadable pack has been released over the Playstation Network for Motorstorm, and it’s a good one.

The DLC pack will contain a new level, nine new events, and five new cars all for $5.99. Here’s the nice part about it. If you would prefer, you can purchase four of the cars individually for $0.99 each. The fifth car needs to be unlocked by playing through the events.

With so many download packs being released these days that seem to deliberately aim to empty our pocketbooks, it’s good to see some folks that understand that DLC is meant to enhance both the profits of the game makers, as well as the enjoyment of the game by users. It’s hard to enjoy anything when you get taken to the cleaners buying it.

Take note Activision…we don’t like being forced to buy unnecessary things.


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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