MSNBC loves BioShock

This bit of news warms my black, black heart. EvilAvatar is reporting that MSNBC has published a very positive review on BioShock, which is, as we all know, M-rated.

What’s this, you say? A videogame article in the mainstream media that doesn’t feature some opportunistic politico decrying videogames and the horrific savagery they are wreaking on the minds of the children, the children… oh god, the children!?!? That’s right, somebody actually is writing about a game they actually played for once, and it turned out to be pretty damn good. The writer of the piece had this to say:

If you love gaming, if you think gaming can be a form of art, if you like your digital entertainment to be smart, stylish and suspenseful, "BioShock" is for you. It’s also a serious Game of the Year candidate.

Well sweet sassy molassy! Somebody at MSNBC went and said it without me even having to scream it in his ear first.

Gaming as a form of art. That sounds good to me.


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