New ads for PS3 released, but ad agency is out

This is livingThis seems to be a case of too little too late. TBWALondon, one of the overseas arms of advertising giant, TBWA, headquartered in New York, was making its pitch about how their new ads for the PS3 are really hitting the mark.

Problem is, TBWA lost its spot to compete for Sony’s next new ad campaign for the PlayStation. Whoops.

Someone didn’t get the memo…however, creative director, Al Young, described the new ads named, "This is Living," and said:

"PlayStation briefs have traditionally been about embracing mood and attitude. This brief is about doing that stuff, but celebrating the functionality of the new black box. It’s about selling the product features, which is a bit of a first and quite an intimidating thing to do in some ways, because that’s what traditional advertising does."

But their approach to marketing the PS3 through "traditional advertising" is probably why they lost their 13 year-old account with Sony. But make the judgement for yourself. To see all of the "This is Living," themed commercials for the PS3, click here.

Our take? Sony did well to drop them as their advertising company after seeing these ads.




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