New Call of Duty 4 multiplayer details revealed

cod4logoIn an interview with PC Gamer Magazine, Infinity Ward’s Grant Collier disclosed new details regarding the sequel to the incredibly popular and successful series, Call of Duty 4.

One new addition to both the single player campaign and the multiplayer modes is the implementation of hard points, which are strategic points located throughout the maps that are utilized by a team against the opposing force to tip things in their favor.

So far, only an airstrike and a machine gun equipped rocket launching helicopter have been revealed to be of assistance to players. For those concerned about balance disruption, there’s no need to fear. The hard points will remain neutral after they’re no longer active. As players climb through the ranks, they’ll have access to both new weapons and skins.

snipperFor those of you who enjoy pretending you’re out on the battlefield where one shot will neutralize a foe, you’re in luck, as COD4 will feature a Realism gametype. Speaking of well placed shots, players will now be awarded a specific number of points throughout all modes: one head shot will score you 3 points, a kill will grant you 2 points, and 1 point will be given to those who aided an ally in taking out an enemy.

One thing that may disappoint many is that a well liked feature will be absent from the multiplayer experience this time around: vehicles. Infinity Ward didn’t share the reasoning behind this decision, but we can only assume that it was for the sake of balancing the experience for everyone.

As always, GamerNode will keep our loyal viewers up to date on everything relevant to this promising sounding sequel.

[Via COD4Forums]


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