New term in medical dictionary: Wii-itis

Wii ItisWhen you leave the creativity up to the Ph.D. stiffs this is what happens.

This may be the nastiest series of gaming related illnesses since those Japanese Voltron games started giving people seizures, or that time Warcraft killed off half of China.

There’s a nasty new medical condition in town and its called Wii-itis. At least that’s what the New England Journal of Medicine is calling it. Like I said, very creative.

Doctors are reporting a large increase in the number of people complaining of aches and pains since the Christmas season. They are attributing it to the fact that because of the Wii, folks are getting up and about and using muscles they haven’t used in a while, such as rotator cuff muscles.

They are also saying that some people have gone overboard with it, and are playing too much Wii. The symptoms, they say, are quite similar to that of tennis elbow.

[via wptv]


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