NiGHTS into Dreams gets HD remake

It’s becoming increasingly common for game publishers to remake successful franchises, and the latest game to get the HD treatment is NiGHTS into Dreams. Fans will remember it as one of the major franchises for the SEGA Saturn, and in a blog post today, the former console maker announced that the game is headed to Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network, and PC.

According to the post, the game was released 16 years ago today, on July 5, 1996, and the new version will be updated with HD graphics — a 16:9 aspect ratio — and support for leaderboards, trophies, and achievements. As a bonus, you can even play the game in “Saturn Mode” to experience it with the original graphics.

You can check out the announcement trailer below:

What other SEGA Saturn games would you like to see remade? Personally, I’d love to play Dragon Force again.

[SEGA Blog]


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Author: Dominic Garcia View all posts by

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