Ninja Gaiden 2 Coming to Wii…Kinda

ninja gaidenDon’t let the title confuse. Yes, Ninja Gaiden 2 is coming to the Wii, and no we aren’t talking about the current next-gen project under development by Team Ninja. Honestly, does anyone think playing Ninja Gaiden with the Wii controls would actually work?

Instead, Virtual Console fanatics are getting a crack at Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos. In addition to Ninja Gaiden 2, Metal Marines and Gate of Thunder are also going to be available for purchase.

Here are the publisher’s blurbs for each game:

Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos: In Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos, a new villain, Ashtar, is revealed. Take on the role of Ryu Hayabusa and rescue Irene Lew, a former CIA agent, from Ashtar. Destroy the Sword of Chaos, a weapon of great power forged from the bone of a demon.

Use techniques such as the Fire Wheel or the Windmill Throwing Star and attack while holding on to walls and ladders. Use the most innovative technique of all: the ability to create Shadow Clones, orange shadow versions of Ryu that will constantly follow him, repeating previous actions (moving or attacking) in a delayed cycle. Once again defeat henchmen, creatures and bosses with new fighting techniques and even more weapons as you progress through multiple stages on your way to destroying Ashtar, Jaquio and the Realm of Chaos.

Metal Marines: Set in the near future, this SNES game presents an Earth in which most of the land has been disintegrated in the chaos of the Anti-matter War. This real-time strategy game portrays the Colonies’ Allied Force — the Metal Marines — in their epic struggle against General Zorgeuf and the Imperial Federation, who are bent on world domination.

Commanding the Metal Marines across a series of battles, the player must strategically allocate resources, ready supplies, manage funds and move troops in an effort to outwit and outmove the opponent. The real-time battle system rewards split-second decisions and adaptability in the struggle for military superiority.

Unlike most turn-based strategy games, Metal Marines engrosses the player in a fast-paced and frantic battle in which both sides advance simultaneously. A constant eye must be kept on enemy movements to maintain a formidable defense and not miss the perfect chance to strike. Strategic foresight and quick judgment hold the key to victory.

Gate of Thunder: This game is a horizontal side-scrolling shooter that places you in control of special undercover agent Hawk, whose mission is to stop the deadly army of Obbellon fighters. Jump into the action as Hawk gets aboard his ship, the Hunting Dog, and heads out toward the enemy.

Blast through stages while effectively using all three of the weapons at your disposal and receiving support from ally Wild Cat ships. Switch through equippable power-up options on the fly to change the direction of your attack. Players must shoot in front of and behind themselves to survive all seven stages.

Hardcore shooting-game fans looking for a challenge can select HARD or DEVIL mode to experience even more intense action.

[Via Daily Game]


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