Nintendo aims to surprise people

In a recent interview Nintendo’s head hancho Satoru Iwata said that Nintendo will continue to focus on surprising customers, resisting any urges to take the easy route to short-term success.

"The reason why Nintendo isn’t doing the easy is because our goal is clear. Our mission is to surprise people in a good way, and this became very clear as we made Nintendo DS and Wii. You can’t open up a new market of customers if you can’t surprise them.

Even if we make great products, if the number of new customers doesn’t increase, it won’t reach people. That was clear to us, so doing the easy was not an option. If we could do away with such goals, all we have to do is make new version of games that are already a hit. That’s much easier than creating a new game."

He admits, however, that part of his and Nintendo’s convictions regarding this matter are due to their current success. In different circumstances, Nintendo could be just as cookie cutter as anyone else.

"If we were having a hard time, maybe we will chose the easy, so that we can make profit for certain."

So does Nintendo only plan to be a trend-setter when it’s sitting safely on top, or is innovation an integral part of the company from now until…forever?


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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