No DVD Playback Capabilities for the Wii

The Wii has made its reputation on what it doesn,t have as much as what it does have. One case in point: the Wii does not have next-gen HD graphics. But another omission may have some surprised–it will not support DVD playback on the internal optical drive.

Rumors last year that the Wii would include this capability were accepted as a given for the machine. However, upon inspection of the present specifications of the Wii, it shows that the game console will not have onboard DVD playback. The official specs state, "A single self-loading media bay will play single- or double-layered 12-centimeter optical discs for the Wii console, as well as 8-centimeter Nintendo GameCube discs." No mention of DVD capability.

Nintendo has since confirmed that the Wii will not have DVD abilities or any aftermarket devices to be used as add-ons.

A Nintendo representative responded by saying, “They were originally considering an external [DVD] attachment, but because the price of DVD players has dropped so much and they have become so commonplace, Nintendo saw no need to create extra hardware options that would drive up the cost for consumers."

While the reasoning by Nintendo to keep the Wii,s price low by not adding an onboard DVD player is sound, it somewhat contradicts Nintendo,s preciously stated goals to make the Wii a home entertainment center. The inclusion of the DVD aspect for the Wii would have fulfilled Nintendo,s plans. But in doing so, would have driven up the cost, perhaps another $20. In the light of the high price tags of competing next gen machines, the difference of a mere $20 may be the defining moment for consumers in purchasing the (relatively) bargain basement Wii, over the PS3 or Xbox 360.


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