No Killer 7 on the Wii

killer7Rumors flew faster than NiGHTS on crack yesterday when internet-goers noticed a Wii symbol on Capcom Europe’s Killer 7 page. Today, Capcom has addressed the issue, assuring us that no Wii port is planned for the surreal, mind-twisting title, even though we (I) desperately wanted it to be true.

Here is Capcom’s official response:

Sharp-eyed browsers of the website may have noticed that the Killer 7 gamesheet was showing a Wii symbol yesterday. We are sorry to disappoint Killer 7 fans who thought this meant a Wii version might be on the horizon, but we can confirm that there are currently no plans for a Killer 7 version for the Wii platform.

The Wii symbol was due to testing on our test realm somehow making its way across to the actual site; the Killer 7 gamesheet is one of the ‘sandbox’ ones we use to test new things such as, for instance, ensuring that the Wii symbol looks the right size next to the ones we use for PS2, Gamecube etc before we put it live.

The interest this seems to have generated on the internet is quite gratifying, but we’re going to have to disappoint you this time. The innovative control system of the Wii would seem like a good match for the innovative gameplay of Killer 7 and we cannot completely rule out the idea of a Killer 7 Wii at some point in the future. However we can confirm that there are no plans at the present time to make such a game and there is certainly not one in the pipeline that we are not telling you about.

Sorry for the confusion.

Bah! Killer 7 seems tailor made for the Wii. The on-rails design requires little more than a few buttons, and the first-person shooting is perfect for the infrared pointer. Oh well, at least Wii haters will be happy.


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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