OWR: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

One Word ReviewFor our first edition of OWR, we will be tackling one of the most highly praised games in the history of the industry. If you take a look at Ocarina of Time‘s aggregate scores on GameRankings and Metacritic, you will see a 98% and 99%, respectively. It is clearly a fan favorite, and big-time gaming publications have used words such as "flawless," "epic," "incredible," "remarkable," and "platinum" to describe it. So what do we call it?

Eddie’s OWR: "Quintessential"

Creighton’s OWR: "Masterpiecy"

jambo’s OWR: "Superb"

Demetri’s OWR: "Experience"

Ryan’s OWR: "Godlyawesomenss"


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