OXM wants to charge you for demos on XBL

oxmdiskOne of the great things about Xbox Live is the ability to download the latest game demos to see if the full versions are really worth buying.

If you’re like me, this free demo service has saved me the annual cost of membership on XBL many times over by saving me from purchasing games that I would have wound up not enjoying.

The Official Xbox Magazine (which includes a demo disk with each issue) wants to do this as a service too, but they’re thinking about charging you for the honor of downloading their demo content on Xbox Live for 200 MS points instead of the disk being included in the magazine subscription. What this means to us mere mortals is a price of $2.50 for the download. Can anyone say "microtransaction?"

An OXM rep said that you’re actually getting more for your money because, "And of course, just like the disc doesn’t come without the magazine, the OXM demos don’t come without other content: the HD videos, the exclusive themes and pics, etc. So you’re getting more than just a demo for your 200 MS Points."

And a lot more advertisements too, we might add.

This is a scary proposition because if OXM really does start to charge for the demo content, will this move give game publishers the same idea to follow suit in dinging us for demos too?

We sure hope not.

[via artstechnica.com]


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