PC Bioshock contains spyware? Nope.

SpywareEngadget is reporting that rumors are swirling around that the PC version of Bioshock contains a "rootkit" (read: spyware) but 2K Games has confirmed that the software is not harmful nor…spyful.

The rumors got started when 2K Games licensed Sony’s digital rights management software in order to keep illegal game distribution in check.

As it was discovered some time ago though, Sony’s DRM software contains what’s known as a rootkit. It is a piece of spyware that embeds itself so deeply into Windows that one simply cannot remove it without causing major damage to the PC.

2K Games recently confirmed though that the code is not harmful nor irremovable.  Apparently Sony has changed their tune following the previous DRM scandal related to their music CDs. 

It’s understandable though why some folks would be so upset by this. After all, Bioshock has been nothing short of a media darling, fully embraced by both the gaming press and hardcore alike. If there’s one surefire way to upset hardcore gamers, it’s with spyware.


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