Playing video games in Scotland? That's a stabbin'


When in beautiful Scotland, be sure to take in the northern flair and hospitality of Edinburgh, the tranquility of the Highlands, and the tenacious friendliness of the local population, who stab their children over video games. Wait, what?

A woman in the Inverness region of Scotland has been accused of child abuse and neglect after sparking an argument with a 13-year-old boy who was playing on his Xbox 360.

Normally, adults would impose some strict guidelines when it comes to regulating their children playing video games; time-limits, hiding the power cord, and other techniques.

In Scotland, such forms of parental control are apparently too vague. According to the boy, the woman "hit me on the back of the head. I stood up and pushed her back. We started fighting." Scuffling ensued, and well, out came the knife.

The kicker to the whole story? The woman actually claimed that the boy deliberately caused himself to get stabbed in order to land her a jail sentence. Oh, and she bailed out on that jail sentence and got community service instead. Oh, and she was drunk.

Merry Christmas, folks!



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