Pre E3 – John Duong Hits eFocus

The events held prior to E3 may not come close E3 itself in terms of the software content involved, but for the many people caught up in the next-generation windstorm this year, the E-Focus conference serves as the perfect prelude for the things to come.

Among those present at the event were companies such as Nvidia, Sony, Logitech, and Alienware – all of whom were showcasing some of their newest and most impressive products – especially Aegia in particular, who not only were showing off their breakthrough PhysX technology and hardware, but an equally impressive demo version of Cell Factor as well. Unfortunately, Aegia,s representatives were adamant about keeping the system requirements a secret, but given the fact that the display machine itself was having trouble keeping a steady frame-rate, it,s safe to assume that investing in a capable rig would be costly.

One major booth that managed to draw in a large crowd, thus effectively blocking this author,s only access point to the buffet line, was Spellborn International, whose staff members were giving attendants an exclusive sneak peek into the world of their much anticipated MMORPG, The Chronicles of Spellborn. The game is still a few months away from initializing its final beta testing phase, but it already looks as though this could be one of the most outstanding titles to be released this year. Built from the ground up with the Unreal 2 Engine, gamers will be thrust into a unique and surreal world that will require them to fight monsters in real time with weapons they can customize to their personal taste, via tokens earned from quests and events.

Exciting as this all is, it,s all teasers and previews as there,s still much more to come in the days ahead.


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