Pro Tip: Super Dodge Ball Brawlers

Although it has taken a few weeks (2 actually) for me to clear some space in my schedule I have finally procured a copy of Super Dodge Ball Brawlers for the DS.

The game is startlingly similar to the version on the NES, for those of us who can remember that far back. I say startlingly similar because as soon as I picked it up I was taken back to the days of playing Super Dodge Ball in my cousin’s basement, but I also recognized some new features, the most palpable being the power shots.

I’m pretty sure there were power shots in the NES version of the game (though it’s been a few decades, so I could be wrong), but I don’t recall them being as robust as in this iteration of the game. Each player has two of what seems to be over a dozen different super power shots — one on the ground, one in the air. The trick to being successful is knowing how to deploy these powers.

Pro Tip: For ground powers throw after running five steps forward.
Pro Tip: For air powers throw just as you hit the apex of the jump.

I’m not kidding when I tell you that it took me far to long (and a couple of butt kickings) for me to figure out that just throwing the ball isn’t going to be enough against the former Soviet Union.

Aside from the single player "campaign" mode, the best part is the multiplayer. This game is one of the good DS games that allows for Download & Play, which permits one cart for two players.

Although I was excited for the game, the DL&P feature is what really pushed me over the edge to purchase this game. It might have been enough to warrant purchase without it, but the ability to play 2-player with one cart: that’s a no brainer. Especially since my sister, my roommate, and my girlfriend all have DSs, I can play dodge ball wherever I want.


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