PS3 commits "console-cide" on Xbox 360

This is probably one of the funnier gamer stories we’ve heard in a while. John Davidson, the editorial director over at 1UP, described how his PS3 murdered another game console — namely, an Xbox 360. Mr. Davidson has his PS3 and Xbox 360 residing in one of those glass door entertainment system cases. He always leaves the doors open when playing his PS3, but keeps the doors closed when gaming on his Xbox 360. Why? Because the PS3 throws off a lot more heat and needs ventilation.

Here are the grizzly details of the crime scene as described by Davidson:

"My older son wanted to play Cars while my little guy wanted to watch, and fiddle with another controller while pretending to play. The pretend option turned out to be the Sixaxis… while pretending to play along with his brother, my little guy hits the PS button, and the PS3 springs to life, inside the closed entertainment unit, unbeknown to Mrs. D and myself.

"Needless to say, temperatures rise, fans kick in, then more fans kick in, then some new, untold level of nuclear reactor-grade cooling kicks in deep within the bowels of the PS3, and the first thing I know of this is when a little voice cries, ‘Dad, something’s wrong with my game.’

"Conditions in the confined space had become so super-heated that the 360 red-ringed out, big time. So, bottom line, my PS3 killed my 360. I have learned a very valuable lesson from this."

Wait. Did I just see my PS3 wielding a hammer at my 360? No, I must have imagined that. But just in case, I think I’ll move the PS3 over to another room, to be safe. I think I’ll lock the door too…

[via 1UP]


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