PSN ad bashes Xbox Live?

PSN adA lot of people are doubtlessly going to see this as a dirty cheap shot. It’s really just smart marketing, though. Sony has released a new advertisement for its online network. The tagline for this ad is, "PlayStation Network: The fun’s always free."

Many current PS3 owners see the cost-free nature of the PSN as a huge benefit, as any PS3 fanboy will loudly declare. So they are really just marketing the one thing they know for sure that the consumer is going to respond to.

I’m a bit surprised that Sony decided to take this route and point out the positives in the PSN when Microsoft has made it so simple for them to point out the flaws in MS’s service. When your competitor’s service essentially craps out for the better part of a month, the advertiser’s job becomes pretty easy.

I would love to see MS mount a smear campaign in response to the "Playstation Network: The fun’s always free" ad. The tagline could be: "Playstation Network: Fun-free."


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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