Quick fix for "problems" regarding GTA IV

broken What do you do when the most anticipated game of the year has problems? I guess nothing. Rockstar has made no statement concerning the claims that Grand Theft Auto 4 causes freezing problems on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.

This is the second time in as many months that Rockstar has released a game with these problems. I kind of wonder what goes on during testing. Are there even consoles at Rockstar? Do they play more than 5 minutes? Or do they only have one of each system and believe if its ok on one it should work on all, even though both Sony and Microsoft have gone through numerous hardware variations already?

I experienced freezing problems on my Xbox about a year ago. It got bad enough that I had to send it to Microsoft and I received another console. I did learn a little trick though from calling Microsoft customer support: you can clear out your cache.

I’m not saying this is a permanent solution to this specific freezing problem, but if the freezing is coming from GTA4 this could allow you to keep playing until a patch is released by Rockstar. They were pretty speedy to release the fix for Bully.

So without further ado, consider this an early Pro Tip.

Go to the system blade. Select either your hard drive or your memory card (but seriously you should have a hard drive) with Y. Then press X, X, LB, RB, X, X. You will be prompted with a question like "do you want to do maintenance on the device" or something to that effect. Say yes. And then you’ve cleared it out.

Again, I’m not calling this a permanent solution. And if you find that more games are freezing on you, then you should really contact Microsoft.


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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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