Rare updates logo after 25 years

new logo

Rare, makers of such classic franchises as Donkey Kong Country, GoldenEye, and Banjo Kazooie, announched yesterday that they will be changing their established logo in honor of the company’s 25th anniversary. The new look appears in several styles, and is simpler and more colorful. Rare said that the re-design was influenced by their hopes for the future.

"Both Rare and the games industry have seen massive changes over the past 25 years, and right now it feels as if both we and the industry are continuing to evolve at an ever-increasing pace," exlpained studio head Mark Betteridge. He continued, "With this landmark anniversary coming up, and knowing that we have a really exciting future ahead, we felt now was the time to have a new image more in keeping with an innovative and creative entertainment company which aspires to be around for at least the next 25 years!"

A representative from Microsoft also offered the following, "the new logo is both modern and classic, adjectives that could be applied equally well to Rare itself." Interesting.

So, what do you think of the logo? Yea or nay?




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Author: Kyle Bittle View all posts by

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