Report says playing games steal homework time (duh?)

games steal studying time.According to U.S. researchers, video gamers spend less time reading and doing homework then those who don’t play games. The study comes from U.S. doctors all over the country who are voicing a concern about the long-term effects of video games.

Specifically, the research found that boys spend 30% less time reading and girls spend 34% less time doing homework. +1 to the boys for not being the slacker! The study polled close to 1500 kids aged 10 to 19 in 2002 on their daily activities. Out of the participants, only about 36% played video games and of this group 80% were boys.

On the good side though, research found that video games didn’t appear to affect time spent with family and friends. I guess the yelling on Xbox Live helps out social factors. Also more games are coming out that appeal to the general population rather than just hardcore gamers.

Hope Cummings of the University of Michigan stated, "These findings do not support the notion that adolescents who play video games are socially isolated. Although gamers spend less time reading and doing homework, there have been studies that show that high academic achievers spend less time doing homework."

You hear that? Maybe if we all crazily game for a period of time, we all could discover a new way of powering cars. Or at least the males can read up on it.


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