Rockstar says no additonal new content for GTA IV

GTA IVThere was a lot of buzz recently about more new content for the upcoming game, Grand Theft Auto IV. Rockstar has already announced that there will be two additional episodes–one coming in 2008 and the second one in 2009.

But a fourth quarter business conference call by Take-Two had talking heads speculating that even more content was coming our way.

But it turns out that there won’t be. According to a Rockstar rep, the content that was mentioned in the conference call was merely continued talk of the already planned release of the second episode. Some took the "announcement" to mean more new content was going to be released.

GTA IV was originally going to hit store shelves in 2007 but was pushed back to April of 2008. This is a pretty big deal for Microsoft–unconfirmed rumors say that it put up $50 million dollars in advance to make sure that the additional GTA IV content would be exclusive (read: no PS3) for the Xbox 360 alone.

Execs at Take-Two/Rockstar are pinning their hopes on GTA IV to be a blockbuster that will help them out of their financial woes. Ever since the "hot coffee" incident with GTA: San Andreas, they have been struggling to regain their foothold in the game industry.

[via next gen]


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