Rumor: Crysis for PS3 adds more

crysisDid you know that Crysis is coming to the PS3? I didn’t either, but according to the latest issue of UK magazine ‘PSW’, "it’s no secret Crysis is coming to PS3". Right, well until we get further confirmation I am going to label this a nice little rumor. Here is what the article says:

"First up, we have Crysis. Now it’s no secret that Crysis is coming to PS3 this year. The excitable, hard-worked coders over at Crytek have said as much in many interviews – they’ve even produced a new, multi-platform engine in readiness – but the real juice here is that it won’t be a straight conversion of the PC game. We understand PS3 Crysis will be an almost 50% new game, with many of the original games staff taken off PC Crysis months before release to begin to work on Crysis 2 and a port to PS3 that will include aspects of the sequel – but a new structure, environments, weapons and enemies will feature on PS3. This should be one of the year’s biggest console shooters."

Ok well, according to the magazine it won’t be a feature but not a port either. It will contain the contents of the original with 50% extra content, which if true sounds great. New structures, environments, weapons and enemies all sound really good. I have no doubt that the PS3 can handle a game like Crysis, I’m just waiting for an official announcement that this is in fact true before I get too excited.


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