Rumor: Xbox 360 HD DVD to drop to $50 next week

hd dvd 360OK, everybody knows that HD DVD is dead. But if this juicy little tidbit of a rumor is true, it may be Microsoft’s way of going out in a blaze of glory.

According to, several retailers have indicated that they will be selling the Xbox 360 HD DVD player for a mere $50. Please note that we didn’t say a discount of $50 but that the unit will actually cost you $50.

Besides the obvious attempt to unload warehouses full of the 360 HD DVD players to cut Microsoft’s losses, it just might be a last dying gasp to perhaps boost sales of the unit in light of Blu-ray claiming victory over the dead body of the HD DVD format.

Ironically enough, if the rumor proves true, it just might generate a huge amount sales for the extinct piece of hardware and bring in more revenue than it could have pulled in when it was still in the race with Blu-ray.

There are still many promotions going on in giving away free movies with the purchase of an HD DVD player. Considering that the unit is now obsolete, it will be interesting to see if people will pick up the device at the bargain basement price of only $50.

At this incredibly low price, would you buy one?


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