Rumors Galore

Developer Nibris answers a few rumors that have been circling around about their upcoming Wii title, Sadness:

– Sadness is not working title of our game, it is the final title.

– The story takes place before World War I that is before 1914 and not as many claim in the thirties of XX century.

– The style of the game does not correspond to Sin City movie; it will also not have the style of a comic. It is rather a tribute to pre-World War I cinema and it will have similar atmosphere.

– The plot will take place in one of the Slavic countries; we will tell which one soon.

– RotR is not being developed right now. Our priority of Wii console is Sadness, and only after it is finished RotR will be developed. RotR DS is being refined by separate team within Nibris.

– Concerning the rumours about the possibility to choose the colour version of the game – the making of the concept in the greyscale is completely different. The choice of colour is not because of marketing reasons but the element of making the atmosphere of the game.

– Concerning the rumours about the Hollywood film studio offering us a large sum of money for filming rights – the truth is that we were contacted but there have been no agreements. We cannot disclose the topic of our talks however. Still we can assure players that Sadness will not be filmed earlier than 2 years after it is introduced to the market (if it will be filmed).

– We will provide further information about Sadness soon.


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