Alas, the long debate of who is better can finally be settled: Mario? Or Sonic? This can only be done in one way: ancient Olympic style events. Those Greeks got it right the first time, when they created the Olympics, a true test of a man… or hedgehog’s skills.
But honestly? How can they really compete without fighting? Sonic will never out jump Mario, and Mario will never run as fast as Sonic. Greco Roman wrestling anyone?
It should be at least a decent time killer though, with Wii’s infamous party-type game play, and lots of familiar faces, including Mario, Sonic, Knuckles, Bowser, Tails, Wario, Yoshi, Luigi, Peach and even Doctor Robotnik (Eggman). Check out the new screenshot of the character select menu:

I’m just looking forward to the speed walking competition, sounds invigorating.