Sony Admits to Possible Late Launch of PS3

It would seem that the last one to admit that the PS3 would be delayed in its launch is Sony. Industry sources, insider accounts, and Wall Street analysts all seem to agree that the PS3 is in trouble. Sony has finally come to this same reality and announced that the PS3 could be late for launch, according to NextGen. Sony Entertainment said that the delay was a result of their Blu-ray DVD drive not meeting specs. If the reports are true about the PS3 being late, it confirms the many stories that have been circulating around the game industry about PS3 development problems. The most recent “insider” information was given by graphic artist, Josh Robinson. Robinson, who expressed his frustration at the PS3 dev kits (programming consoles) for not working, was summarily fired for his remarks. Japanese industry sources say that Sony has not even begun to take orders for the PS3 yet, which would make a spring launch (May) of the machine extremely unlikely. Being late for launch is the least of Sony’s worries as recent estimates by Wall Street estimate the price point of the PS3 at $700-$900. If the predictions are true, even if the PS3 isn’t late for launch, the high price of the unit will kill the majority of sales because of the high price tag.


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