Sony pushing 40GB PS3 in Japan

PS3With so many different models of the PlayStation 3 floating around (20GB, 40GB, 60GB, and 80GB) one wouldn’t frown upon Sony for taking some action to simplify the market. In the month of January, Sony is going to stop shipments of the 20GB and 60GB models to stores across Japan. To some this may seem like a sly move especially if one wanted to get the cheaper 20GB version of the PlayStation 3. Turns out the 40GB model actually costs less in Japan, so Sony’s move makes a lot of sense.

By the end of the month Sony will begin shipping models based on how the consumers respond to this change as well as future ones. No direct date has been set for this initiative. Overall, the PlayStation 3 is definitely seeing better days. Across the world, there is this vibe that the PlayStation 3 is finally coming into its own, and hopefully as Sony makes the market less confusing more units will begin flying off the shelves.

[Via Reuters]


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