Study categorizes gamers into five distinct groups

gamerIDC and IDG Entertainment have released an official report which breaks down gamers into five separate categories, according to

There was a time, not too long ago, when individuals who played video games were just lumped into a massive category called, gamers.

But now, the gaming community is seriously seen as a formidable force by retailers and the business world. Why? Because the gaming public has clout and that clout translates into purchasing power.

Take a gander at the IDGE list and see how accurately it describes you:

Core Gamers
Core Gamers choose gaming as their main form of entertainment and want to maximize their time gaming. They prefer gaming over going to the movies or out to dinner.

Status Gamers
Status Gamers are proud of their gaming skills and enjoy being the first to try the newest and hottest titles. They also like to discuss their gaming experiences at school or work.

Social Gamers
Social Gamers view gaming as a communal experience. They prefer to play games with people they care about, forming a social link, and coordinate social functions around gaming.

Active Gamers
Active Gamers prefer games where movements are reflected in the game and allow gamers to get out of their chairs. They use gaming as a physical release.

Casual Gamers
Casual Gamers use gaming as an emotional release and as a way to play different roles. Casual gamers view gaming as a secondary form of entertainment and don’t feel the necessity to be the first to try a new game.

While the study is interesting, it would seem that a dedicated gamer could very well fit into all of these categories depending on how he/she feels at any particular time in their gaming life.


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