TF2 Medic class update, Goldrush mode coming

tf2medicStill waiting for the Medic class update, such as new achievements and unlockable weapons/customizable loadouts, like me? Robin Walker of Valve dropped some more hints regarding unlockable weapons, balance issues and the impending release of Goldrush, a new TF2 gameplay mode.

To start off, the Medic will be given the first update by the adding of 36 new achievements; by earning these achievements (in multiples of 12, 24 or 36), you can unlock three separate and new weapons, which can in-turn reflect new weapon loadouts. Note that while the Medic changes may be up first at the plate, Valve is working on changes for all TF2 classes.

While Walker didn’t fully divulge all the new weaponry (the rumored Overhealer was canned), he hinted that one of new unlockable Medic weapons that’s being tested would tradeoff the uber-charge (10 seconds of invulnerability) for 10 seconds of 100% chance of critical hits. Heck, just imagining being paired up with a Soldier, Heavy or even a Demoman and giving them those precious seconds of critical hits makes me giddy.

Walker also talked about the mounting balance issues. Regarding tradeoffs, he said, "When you’re making a choice about what class you’d like to play, you’re making a tradeoff between the abilities you’d like, and the penalties you pay to get them. So you can have the Heavy’s big minigun, but you’ll pay for it with a slow movement speed. These tradeoffs are made more interesting by focusing different abilities & penalties around different play styles, which ensures that the ‘right’ class choice varies based on the skill set of the player making the choice."

Lastly, the release of Goldrush may coincide with the release of the Medic achievements and unlockable weaponry. The first map in the new game mode will be called Payload and the object is for the Blu team to escort a cart loaded with explosives into a Red base. The cart will move faster with more allies around and the cart can carry handy machines like a health or ammo dispenser.

With over 32 hours invested in the Medic class alone, I’m pumped for the new Medic additions and changes. The 100% critical charge seems pretty nifty, so I’m anxious to try it out.

[Via IGN]


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