The 30-Day Gamer Challenge – Day 11

Demon's Souls

The game you can sit and play the longest

Today’s game came to mind instantly and as in-my-face as one of those E3 billboards at the Staples Center in LA every year. I have definitely been known to sit down and begin a Demon’s Souls session and not cease my struggle in its oppressive worlds for the greater part of a day.

Sleep? Pfft!

I have lost entire nights to Demon’s Souls almost inadvertently; the time just seems to disappear as I guide my avatars through the game’s awesome environments and frighteningly dangerous battles, augmenting their stats and hunting down the best weapons and items for each one’s unique build and play style.

I will gladly sit down in front of Demon’s Souls at any time to be swiftly immersed in its haunting atmosphere, remaining there for hours on end. This is truly a one-of-a-kind experience, and easily one of my favorites. I can’t wait for Project Dark.

Day 11 = Demon’s Souls
Day 10 = Chrono Trigger
Day 9 = Shadow of the Colossus
Day 8 = Super Mario Bros. 3
Day 7 = Braid
Day 6 = Passage
Day 5 = Gears of War
Day 4 = Final Fantasy X
Day 3 = Animal Crossing
Day 2 = Too Human
Day 1 = Braid


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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