The 30-Day Gamer Challenge – Day 8

Super Mario Bros. 3

A game that you’ve played countless times

I’ve played many games many times. They’re mostly older titles, from an age when I actually replayed games – something I rarely do under the heavy burden of today’s endless stream of new releases. My access to piles of backlogged titles was limited, and time was far less precious a resource to me, so I played the games I had… and I played them repeatedly.

For the purposes of the 30-Day Challenge, I’ll discount multiplayer titles, otherwise Goldeneye 007 and Mario Kart 64 would probably take top honors here. I don’t play much multiplayer anyway, and I think counting those sessions is an unfair measure for a question like this.

This is still a battle of Nintendo titles, though, and out of Super Mario Bros., SMB 3, Super Mario World, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, I think the winner has to be Super Mario Bros. 3. There was a time when I played this game almost constantly: I played alone, with friends, with my cousins, you name it. It was a pivotal point in the evolution of the Mario franchise, and clearly one of great significance in my own gaming career. I could play to completion in just a short span of time, or draw out the experience and venture through all of its interesting worlds and levels as thoroughly as I desired.

I kinda feel like firing it up right now.

Day 8 = Super Mario Bros. 3
Day 7 = Braid
Day 6 = Passage
Day 5 = Gears of War
Day 4 = Final Fantasy X
Day 3 = Animal Crossing
Day 2 = Too Human
Day 1 = Braid


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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