The "Creativity" Award – Square Enix

GamerNode's You Win!

Today’s award goes out to a publisher/developer who has mananged to win the hearts of vast throngs of gamers over the years. The combined force of Square Enix has created many popular games and franchises, from Final Fantasy to Dragon Quest to what has been called the greatest RPG of all time, Chrono Trigger.

Now Chrono Trigger is back, and will be hitting the Nintendo DS this winter. That’s great news, except for the fact that Square Enix won’t be giving it the same treatment as games like Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 6, which both received major graphical overhauls for their respective ports.

One would expect that the return of the first ever collaborative effort between members of SquareSoft and Enix Corporation (befor they were a single entity, mind you) would be worthy of some extra bells and whistles, no?

For the lack of that extra effort that Square Enix fans had been hoping for, the RPG giant has earned the GN "Creativity" Award.

[Eddie Inzauto]


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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