The REAL console sales numbers don't lie

three next gen consolesDon’t you ever get a little tired and annoyed when you hear Microsoft and Sony tossing out their latest press releases to try to convince you that they’re selling a bizzilion more game consoles than the other guy?

They doctor numbers to get the best spin (we sold more consoles on Friday then everybody else) but get ready for some hard evidence.

Look at the hand holding the graph charts and the bluster and vocal positioning should stop once and for all. Ok, maybe not, but at least you can make copies of these graphics and show your friends how astute you are about sales data.

According to statistics from independent marketing tracking source, NPD, the top dog, or next gen console in this case, is the Wii. Sales figures for Nintendo’s not-so-next gen console consistently outpaced its competition from the beginning of 2007 till July:

Console Graphs

Nintendo’s Wii also took off at a higher unit sales rate during its first nine months than either the PS3 (surprise!) or the 360 did during their initial launch periods.

Console to date sales

The shocking thing about all of this is that the Wii has been consistently and severely under stocked at stores. If Nintendo could have foreseen the enormous popularity of the Wii and ramped up production to meet demand, the present figures in these charts would have been even more dramatic.

Of the three next gen console manufacturers, Nintendo seems to be the quietest of the bunch in the wars of bragging. And why should they make any noise – their sales figures seem to speak for themselves.

I think I just heard Mario giggling in the corner.

[via gamasutra]


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